Prof. Yen-Lin Han
Seattle University, USA
Dr. Yen-Lin Han, Professor and Chair of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Seattle University, Seattle, WA, USA, received her BS degree in Materials Science and Engineering from National Tsing-Hua University in Hsinchu, Taiwan, her PhD degree in Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering and her MS degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA. Her current research interest focuses on soft robotics in medical devices, for which she received the US National Science Foundation (NSF) Mid-CAREER Advancement (MCA) award in 2023. She holds four US patents and has nine pending patents filed by PACCAR on autonomous vehicles since 2018. She is a passionate Engineering Educator and experienced in developing high-impact pedagogical practices. She was the Co-PI for the NSF Revolutionizing Engineering and Computer Science Departments grant awarded to the Mechanical Engineering department at Seattle University to study how the department culture changes can foster students' engineering identity with the long-term goal of increasing the representation of women and minorities in the field of engineering.
Prof. Trung Dung Ngo
University of Prince Edward Island, Canada
Dr. Trung Dung Ngo is currently a Full Professor and Director of More-Than-One Robotics Lab at Faculty of Sustainable Design Engineering, University of Prince Edward Island, Canada. Dr. Ngo received Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Robotics) from Aalborg University in 2008, M.Sc. degree in Computer Systems Engineering (Robotics), University of Southern Denmark in 2004, and B.Sc. degree from Vietnam National University, Hanoi in 2000. Dr. Ngo was the faculty member of the Department of Electronic Systems, Aalborg University, and the Faculty of Science, University of Brunei. His research interests include multi-robot systems, modular robotics, and human-robot cooperation. He received a number of the research awards including the best paper awards, best video award, and the finalist for his publications with his graduate students. He obtained numerous research grants since joining UPEI, including Discovery Grant, DND-Supplement Grant, DND-IDEaS, NSERC-CREATE, NFRF-Exploration, etc. He served on the Canada Federal Evaluation Committee for NSERC Discovery Grant (Mechanical Engineering EG 1512, 2011-2014), National Killam Program, Mitacs, etc. He served as Program Chairs for international conferences in Robotics and Intelligent System, e.g. IEEE-SII2024, IEEE-ROSE2022. Dr. Ngo has supervised many postdoctoral and graduate students in his academic career. Thanks to his research contributions and graduate supervision, Dr. Ngo was the recipient of the UPEI Faculty Association’s Merit Award for Scholarly Achievement in 2020 and University Award for Excellence in Graduate Student Supervision in 2024. He is a Senior Member of IEEE and a Professional Engineer registered at EngineersPEI, Canada.
Assoc. Prof. Fulvio Mastrogiovanni
University of Genoa, Italy
Fulvio Mastrogiovanni is an Associate Professor at the University of Genoa (UniGe), Italy, and a Researcher affiliated with the Italian Institute of Technology. He got a Laurea Degree and a Ph.D. from UniGe in 2003 and 2008, respectively. Fulvio is a member of the Board of the Ph.D. School in Bioengineering and Robotics, as well as the National Ph.D. School in Robotics. He is co-PI in the joint lab between UniGe and WeBuild SpA on topics related to robotics for construction. Fulvio was Visiting Professor at institutions in America, Europe, and Asia. He served as Head of Program for the international MSc in Robotics Engineering (part of the Erasmus+ EMARO and JEMARO programs) at UniGe, and Deputy Rector for International Affairs. Fulvio organized many international scientific events (RO-MAN, IROS, ERF conference series), and journal special issues, and will serve as General Chair of IAS 2025. Fulvio teaches courses in cognitive architectures, human-robot interaction, and artificial intelligence for robotics. Fulvio participated in many national and international funded projects and cooperates with research centers worldwide. He is the founder of Teseo and IOSR, two spinoff companies from UniGe, and he is advisor of established companies and startups on artificial intelligence solutions. Fulvio received awards for his scientific and technology transfer activities, including the Italian Young Innovator Award in 2021. Fulvio published more than 190 contributions, including 5 international patents.